CHEP Pallecon Solutions is the global leader in reusable Intermediate Bulk Container solutions for Liquid and Dry applications. We make supply chains more efficient and more sustainable by sharing our network, our knowledge and our container platforms across a diverse range of industries.
Our flexible solutions are designed around you, your products and your customers. We work with you to design the optimal solution, so you can better manage your raw materials, ingredients and finished products.
We have the widest range of containers, liners, accessories and solutions in the industry, developed to provide the very best protection for your product. By sharing our network and knowledge, we can deliver supply chain solutions that help reduce your operations and logistics costs, whilst improving sustainability.
We can do all this because CHEP is part of Brambles Limited, the supply-chain logistics company which operates in more than 60 countries, employs more than 14,500 people and owns over 550 million pallets, containers and reusable plastic containers (RPCs) through a network of more than 850 service centres worldwide.